First Team Nissan in Roanoke and The New River Valley team up with Q99 FM for the Receive & Give Charity Contest

It’s time for the Spring “Receive and Give” Contest from Q99 FM, sponsored by First Team Nissan in Roanoke and First Team Nissan of New River Valley!

This is a great way to help your favorite local charity, while getting a little extra for yourself at a time when we can all use a boost of positivity! You can win $100 for yourself and another $100 for your favorite charity.
The contest runs May 4th through May 29th, with seven chances every weekday 9:10 AM to 3:10PM to win. It’s easy and fun to play…
To play, do one of the following:
• Text the word “GIVE” to 81944 along with your full name and city
• Comment your name and listening location on our Receive and Give Facebook post
• Join the Q99 Loyal Listener Club at
Then listen for Q99 to announce your name weekdays at 9:10, 10:10, 11:10, 12:10, 1:10, 2:10, and 3:10. If you hear your name, call Q99 at 540-389-0099 within 10 minutes and you’ll win $100 in cash and First Team Nissan will donate another $100 to your favorite charity (Church, Non-Profit or 501C organization). It’s that simple!
Plus…each charity that gets selected has a chance to win a bonus of $1000 by random drawing at end of the promotion. Q99 and First Team have given thousands of dollars to local charities and lucky contestants over the years…but remember, you have to play to win!
Visit for more information and a list of potential local charities to consider.