First Team Goes Above and Beyond to Protect the Environment

First Team Volkswagen and First Team Subaru have taken environmental challenges very seriously to protect and help the Roanoke community. These two dealerships have done an outstanding job on being environmentally cautious with their surroundings.
On June 10th, 2020, First Team Volkswagen received the first Stormwater Clean Award for meeting the criteria of the Contractor Appreciation Program during the construction of the all-new First Team Volkswagen Sales and Service Center. The facility is currently being managed with careful attention by Stephen Lowe, First Team Facilities Director, and Jeff Holt of Holt, Inc. who are following the Contractor Appreciation Program guidance that requires: “Proper on-site soil containment, proper use of erosion & sediment controls, maintenance of erosion & sediment controls, employing early soil stabilization, keepin’ dirt off the streets & out of the creeks, makin’ the fish happy”. Why are they following such guidelines? As Stephen Lowe, and the Stormwater Program Manager, Cindy Linkenhoker explain: anything that is laying on the ground at one point, goes into their water systems. It could be anything from oil, to fertilizers, and all pollutants you can think of, affecting directly the nearest creek, river, or stream.

First Team Volkswagen is not the only dealership that is going above and beyond to protect the environment. First Team Subaru met all requirements from the Subaru Eco-friendly Retailer Program and gained certifications in five different sectors: Energy Efficiency, Water Conservation, Recycling, Waste Management, and Community Involvement. First Team focuses on energy efficiency by installing devices such as occupancy sensors, LED lighting and programmable thermostats that help reduce energy consumption. They also install low-flow faucets, toilets and water efficient landscaping to reduce water consumption. In addition, recycling helps the facility divert massive amounts of material from landfills. First Team makes sure to have the proper disposal of waste material (including oil, coolant, batteries and tires) in the facility and are always on top of any community programs that specialize in preserving and protecting the environment. Their efforts to help the community have been recognized and set a good example influencing others to become environmentally aware of the Roanoke community’s ecosystems.