Roanoke Valley SPCA and First Team Subaru Loves Pets Event a Huge Success!

October, 2020
It’s been a tough year for everyone, but something that people have had to help them through has been the love of a wonderful pet.
In October, First Team Subaru teamed up with the Roanoke Valley SPCA to help them adopt out “A Dog a Day” to Roanoke Valley families. For each pet adopted in October, First Team Subaru and Subaru USA donated to the RVSPCA $100 a dog, up to $3100, with the goal of reaching 31 dogs. Well, the month-long adoption event was such a success that the Roanoke Valley SPCA found forever homes for 111 pets!
With the help of our media partners, we were able to spread the word to Roanoke Valley families looking to adopt a pet in October. As an extra incentive, there were special giveaways to adoptive families including a free pet exam valued up to $250, donated by Roanoke’s VCA Animal Hospital for every pet adopted from the RVSPCA in October. Plus, several Roanoke area businesses donated special packages to be given away in a drawing at the end of the event. Packages donated include:
- 2-Month Training Package from Field of Dreams Dog Training ($175 Value)
- 6-Week Online Group Training Class from High Hopes Dog Training ($150 Value)
- 3 Dog Wash Certificates from Biscuits & Bubbles ($45 Value Each)
- 3 5-Day Playcare Packages from City Dogs Playcare & Boarding ($100 Value Each)
Winners of the prizes were chosen by adopted dogs…that’s right, the dogs chose the winners, and we have the video of them doing it!
First Team is honored to have helped the Roanoke Valley SPCA find forever homes for 111 pets during the October “Subaru Loves Pets” event. We look forward to working with the RVSPCA in the future. Here are some great photos of a few of the pets who found forever homes and families!
Additionally, as part of Subaru Loves Pets month, we celebrated the 2nd annual National Make A Dog’s Day by inviting all dog lovers to do something extra special for their favorite canine on October 22nd. This year, Subaru put a special emphasis on shelter dogs with special needs, shining the spotlight on the hardest-to-adopt shelter dogs, the older and physically challenged Underdogs who deserve to finally find loving homes. The Roanoke Valley SPCA made a very special effort to adopt out Violet, a special-needs dog who at 10 years old found herself homeless with a large, open, cancerous mass on her side. The Roanoke Valley SPCA’s vet staff took extra special care of Violet; they removed the mass and she came through with flying colors!
About Subaru Love Promise
The Subaru Love Promise is just that. A promise. It is a promise to do right by our community by partnering with nonprofit education, health, community, environment, and animal organizations – to set Subaru apart through our deeds and the deeds of our partners. To be unlike any other car company by doing what is right and good, just for the sake of doing it.