Community Service
Car Giveaway for the 2020 Roanoke After Prom Grand Finale

Each year, First Team donates a new car to the YOVASO After Prom Grand Finale Event. This year…just announced…First Team will be giving away a brand new, 2020 Hyundai Venue to the winner of the After Prom Grand Finale!
To qualify to win the car, the student must stay at their after prom until closing (usually 3:00 am) and be present at the After Prom Grand Finale Event. This year, over 5,251 students from 40 high schools across Southwest Virginia made the safe choice to stay until the end of their school’s after-prom party. That is more than 5,251 youth who made it home safely to their families after one of the biggest and most dangerous nights of their young lives. We estimate over 85,000 lives have been saved in the last 31 years.
I really like how you wrote about Car Giveaway for the 2020 Roanoke After Prom Grand
Finale – /.
And here you can find the cheapest cars in America:
Enjoy! 🙂